भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान इंदौर Indian Institute of Technology Indore
IIT Indore
S. No | Title | Description | Url |
1 | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering: Annual convention for Deans & HoDs of Partner Institutes at Dharamshala | | 2 | Civil Engineering: Annual Convention of Deans and HoDs of partner MoU institutions at Udaipur | | 3 | WEEKLY UPDATE: Important Standards Published | Please find attached brief about some important standards published during the week | | 4 | WEEKLY UPDATE: Important standards Published | Please find attached the brief about important standards published during the last week | | 5 | R&D Projects Awarded | R&D Projects whose last date of submission was 15 May 2024 have been awarded. The list is hosted on our website. | | 6 | WEEKLY UPDATE: Important standards Published | Please find attached the brief about the important Indian Standards Published during the last week | | 7 | R&D Projects offered by BIS | The last date for submission of R&D Projects has been extended to 30 August 2024. All interested proposers are requested to send their proposals well in advance before the last date. | | 8 | 32 institutes successfully integrate BIS API for real time information sharing (List attached) | | 9 | 29 institutes implement action plan for technical sessions (List attached) | | 10 | BIS plans 2-days Annual Convention for Deans/HoDs of MoU Partners | We are pleased to announce that BIS is planning discipline wise 2-days Annual Conventions for Deans/HoDs of our MoU Partners. The plan for the conventions is shared for kind reference with a request to all concerned to prepare accordingly. | |