Other Activities:
Editorial Work:
- Editor:
Computational Mathematics, Nanoelectronics, and Astrophysics
Springer Proceedings (2021). (with Shaibal Mukherjee, Abhirup Datta, and Santanu Manna)
- Technical Editor:
The Journal of Analysis published by Springer since 2016.
Forum D' Analystes, Chennai (for earlier publications)
- Editor:
The proceedings of the International
Symposium on Complex Analysis and Conformal Geometry,
J. Analysis, Vol. 21, 2013. (with G. Bharali,
D. Minda,
S. Ponnusamy)
- Editor:
A special volume of The Journal of Analysis dedicated to
the bright memory of Late Professor Vikramaditya Singh,
J. Analysis, Vol. 22, 2014. (with S. Ponnusamy)
- Editor:
A special volume of The Journal of Analysis dedicated to
Taft Professor David Minda,
J. Analysis, Volume 24, Issues 1-2, 2016.
(with D. Herron,
D. Minda,
S. Ponnusamy, and
N. Shanmugalingam)
- American Mathematical Society, USA
- Ramanujan Mathematical Society, India
- Forum d' Analystes, IMSc Chennai, India
- Operational Research Society of India
- Society for Special Functions and their Applications, India